Microcement on the floor of a living room with an outdoor patio
Microcement on the floor of an open living room


Bedroom in luxury villa with grey microcement floor

Microcement is a very versatile coating, composed of a cement base with added minerals, acrylic resins and pigments. It is a very resistant material that allows to create durable decorations that transcend passable trends.

Thanks to its characteristics, microcement is already a must in the decoration of both interior and exterior spaces. Among its many advantages is its lightness, as it can be applied in layers of only 3 millimeters. It is a coating that can be used on any type of surface, and is especially good on floors and walls. The beauty of this material lies in that it has no joints and provides a continuous appearance.

With a quick, clean and functional result, microcement brings distinction and elegance to environments of all decorative styles. Beyond aesthetic considerations, the choice of this coating allows the creation of a space that speaks of those who inhabit it.


Bring out your most personal style with the diversity of styles of Meexe microcements. Make your home the place you want to return to every day. Transform your office or business into a welcoming space for all who pass through it. The details will make the difference and make each design a unique project.

Microcement can be applied on any type of surface: interiors, exteriors, vertical or horizontal. On each one of them, it will provide a great sense of amplitude thanks to it not having joints, creating elegant and durable spaces.

The latest trends in decoration tell us about the search for environments that combine functionality, sustainability and aesthetics. Meexe microcement combines these properties with the smartest design.



Microcement Ready to Use Meexe Ready Go!04



Microcement Ready to Use Meexe Ready Go!03



Microcement Ready to Use Meexe Ready Go!02



Microcement Ready to Use Meexe Ready Go!01


This is the easiest microcement to use. The most innovative solution in our catalogue will allow you to give a new look to any surface in a clean and fast way. With Meexe Ready Go! the applicator only needs to add the pigment and mix. This compound will provide a continuous colour and a magazine finish.

Professional mixing microcement


Microcement has multiple benefits. Among the most outstanding are the absence of joints, which allows to draw continuous surfaces; the speed of work, since it does not need construction works, and its resistance, which makes it a very durable solution. These and other features make microcement the best option for renovating any surface.

Advantages of microcement

Continuous surface

Welcome to "less is more": microcement allows to create continuous surfaces without joints, with which one obtains visually wide spaces and easy to clean, as you only need water and pH neutral soap. With its uniform appearance, microcement minimises problems and maximises well-being.

Clean renovations

Using microcement to renovate spaces is the most intelligent, quick and clean option, as it allows to cover any surface without having to remove the previous material.
You won't have to deal with debris and the result is still the highest quality.

Flexibility and resistance to damage

The Meexe microcement is not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside. Its flexibility will make you travel and its resistance to traffic, scratching and water will convince you. A durable system that is even more so thanks to a strict sealing process. Shiny surfaces without cracks.

Surface renovation

Microcement allows to renovate any surface without complications, as it can be applied on the existing base.
It is fine and durable, creating spaces of timeless elegance.

Maximum adherence

Except for wood, microcement is compatible with any material. Like a chameleon, it adapts and adheres to different supports to create the most personalised finish.

For all tastes

Meexe microcement offers unlimited design possibilities thanks to the variety of finishes and textures in our catalogue. Elegance, beauty and modernity merge into a single material to create dream spaces.


Walls, floors, countertops, furniture, bathrooms, stairs, fireplaces, facades or swimming pools, the possibilities of microcement are endless, as it adapts to any surface. In addition, its application can be combined with different decorative styles, from industrial and modern to rustic and traditional.


The appeal of microcement reaches any surface, as it offers versatility that surpasses other materials. The apparent simplicity of the finish adds a beauty to all spaces that surpasses the fashions that come and go. Renew any environment with the high quality Meexe microcements and unique finishes.

Hotel lobby with microcement flooring


Due to the characteristics of the microcement in terms of finishes, adhesion, resistance and cleaning, its application on flooring is an ideal solution. In any space, the floor is the area that gets the most wear with use and over time, so the priority when renovating a floor is to create a resistant surface that, at the same time, brings aesthetic quality to the environment. With Meexe microcement it is possible to achieve this.


With the application of microcement, it is possible to incorporate an extra protection to the walls, one of the elements that suffer the most damage in both home and commercial spaces.

Meexe microcements provide great resistance to these surfaces and, along with sealers, increase their functionalities, making them waterproof and very easy to clean. The diversity of textures allows the professional to imprint his/her personal style on each project, with the result being a totally unique design.

Minimalist kitchen with microcement on walls


If you are planning to renovate your kitchen, microcement is perfect thanks to its resistance and practicality.

The kitchen is the heart of the home and where we spend the most time when we are at home, so we are looking for a durable material that makes our lives easier. If you also don't want to give up style, the Meexe microcement will bring brightness and spaciousness to the space with a high-quality finish.


Thanks to the magnificent chemical resistances of our products and a double sealing, the Meexe microcement is the most suitable material for wet spaces such as bathrooms. It tolerates occasional contact with water and the impact of ambient humidity.

In addition, one of the main advantages of this use is the elimination of joints in floors and walls, which simplifies cleaning and maximises space in the smallest bathrooms.

Kitchen with exposed brick on the wall and grey microcement on the floor


Microcement is a very versatile material not only in interior spaces but also outdoors such as facades and porches as it is very durable and resistant to inclement weather. In outdoor flooring we will achieve a slip-resistant surface the more rough the final texture is, with which we will avoid falls and slips.


If you are a professional in the application of microcement, this brief tutorial will be part of your know-how and will help you to coat spaces with the best finish. Below, we detail the 5 essential steps of the process:

1 Surface Cleaning

To apply the microcement in the best way it is essential to prepare the surface to be coated. This involves cleaning the area of dust and grease and correcting imperfections to have a uniform support: chips, breaks, etc.

2 Primer Application

With the base clean and smooth, the next step is to apply the most suitable primer to the support. The adhesion promoter will ensure that the material adheres effectively to the surface.

3 Application of the microcement base

Then it's time to apply the layers of microcement base or preparation on the surface. It is important to respect the sanding between layers and the drying time, to ensure the best quality result.

4 Application of the finishing microcement

The finishing microcement is applied over the previous layers, once they have dried properly. The professional can, at this step, provide their master touch to the finish, as they are the most visible layers and will give uniqueness to the chosen style.

5 Sealing of the microcement

For a 100% safe and complete protection, the new microcement coating must be sealed to safeguard it. In addition to providing the final finish: matt, satin, gloss, etc. Choose the Meexe varnish you want and apply the layers indicated in the technical data sheet. This last step is essential to guarantee a perfect finish and preserve the surface in the long term.


At Meexe we have developed a vast color chart of microcement to bring joy and personality to any room. From neutral and natural tones to more vibrant and bold ones. We have an extensive color palette that will give your spaces the brushstrokes with which to sketch your own story.

Customization is one of the most outstanding features of microcement. They say that for tastes, colors, and among the wide variety of our range of microcement colors you can choose specific shades to achieve unique nuances.

We guarantee vivid and long-lasting microcement colors. The pigments we use do not fade under sun exposure due to their high stability. When installed and maintained properly, this material retains its texture and original finish over time. That's why it's the best option to give any space a design that lasts.

Color chart

microcemento color Amazonia


microcemento color Antartida


microcemento color Arizona


microcemento color Berlín


microcemento color Bogotá


microcemento color Boston


microcemento color Denvery


microcemento color India


microcemento color Nairobi


microcemento color Oat


microcemento color Oceanía


microcemento color Ontario


microcemento color París


microcemento color Persia


microcemento color Rio


microcemento color Roma


microcemento color Viena



Microcement is a highly versatile material and can adapt to any decorative trend. It can provide a modern and minimalist look, especially in smooth and neutral finishes. Or, if a more pronounced texture or aging effects are chosen, the microcement will evoke more rustic or traditional styles. Each material communicates a feeling, each finish wraps a personality.

Bathroom with exterior views and microcement on the floor

Sealing is an indispensable step in the application of microcement to give it additional protection or to achieve a specific aesthetic effect. The varnish layer can have one of these four finishes:

  • Gloss Finish: gives a bright and reflective appearance to the surface, highlighting colors and details. It is an elegant and modern option.
  • Satin Finish: provides an intermediate finish between gloss and matte. It enhances finishes and adapts to different decorative styles.
  • Matte Finish: offers a smoother and more resistant appearance. It is popular for more sober and minimalist styles.
  • Super-matte Finish: an extremely matte finish that provides a simple and elegant appearance, virtually eliminating any shine.

The texture of the microcement can range from very smooth and silky finishes to rougher and more noticeable surfaces. The choice of grain texture will therefore influence the final appearance of the support. For example, a microcement with a fine and smooth texture will give a more contemporary and elegant appearance, while a rougher texture can give a more rustic and natural touch.



Microcement is an ideal material to create unique finishes in any space thanks to its multiple qualities. As it lacks joints, it will create environments of great amplitude and continuous surfaces. And as it is so versatile, it can be applied over the existing material without having to remove it, which allows to renovate floors and walls quickly and cleanly.

Microcement is slip-resistant to different degrees, depending on the roughness that is given to the finish with the different textures and varnishes available. This means that the rougher the result, the less slippery the surface will be. At Meexe we also have microcements that are inherently slip-resistant like Meexe Rock or Meexe Pool.

Microcement has a high resistance to humidity and water depending on the variety used. In our catalog you will find the most suitable solution to apply in bathrooms, kitchens and even swimming pools, as long as the final layer is sealed with the appropriate varnish. Our double sealing treatment makes microcement even more water-resistant.

Microcement is a material highly consistent against multiple factors: blows, temperature changes and heavy traffic. It is, literally, unbeatable.

Microcement will give any space a touch of timeless elegance that can last a long time, as long as the correct maintenance recommended by the manufacturers is carried out. Our protective waxes Meexe Wax and Meexe Wax Plus, designed respectively for domestic and professional use, are essential to maintain finishes like the first day and make them last much longer. Thus, microcement can last in good condition for decades.

Without a doubt. Our system allows to combine colors to taste, and the result will always be exclusive.

Microcement is suitable for all budgets and renovations, as the final price will vary taking into account different factors. Making an approximate calculation, the cost of applying microcement will be between 70 and 110 euros per square meter. Aspects such as the specific variant of microcement to be used, the areas where it will be applied and the costs associated with the displacement of professionals, will determine the scope of the total sum.

Meexe's microcement systems are of high quality and are complemented with the most suitable products to protect surfaces. In case of using low-quality materials or not having a professional applicator, supports covered with microcement may suffer scratches, cracks or even humidity stains. To prevent this from happening it is important, in addition to sealing and protecting the layers, that the application is carried out by experts and with the best materials.

Polished microcement is actually a misnomer for polished cement. This confusion could lead to the notion that they are two related concepts, but they’re not. Polished cement, also known as polished concrete, is a specific decorative finish mainly intended for floors, its name comes from the rotary polisher used to give its distinct sheen. However, this material has some drawbacks that Meexe coatings do not: it does not provide good thermal or sound insulation, requires a mesh and expansion joints, may lose shine over time and risks cracking.

Depending on the finish the client wants, the surface to be renovated, and the work schedule, we will determine whether microcement or liquid porcelain is better. Liquid porcelain is a highly demanded material, although it offers fewer features than microcement and is considerably more expensive. For example, liquid porcelain can only be applied to floors due to its viscosity, so it requires self-leveling in its application and is limited to indoor spaces. Microcement, on the other hand, can be used on walls, ceilings, and furniture, and it’s suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. Concerning finishes, liquid porcelain allows incorporating visual effects that increase its cost, while microcement provides a uniform finish.


Microcement is a highly versatile material that can be used in any space, giving it an elegant and personal touch. It is the ideal choice to achieve highly functional environments without giving up aesthetics.

Although in some cases the cause of moisture can be solved, generally it is not recommended to apply microcement on wet surfaces. It is a material that works perfectly when the existing surface is smoother and cleaner. Specific treatment is required to repair existing moisture previous to the application of microcement.

Microcement is a material resistant to temperature changes, so it can be applied on radiant floors. Before doing so and to avoid possible cracks, a previous start-up protocol must be followed.

Microcement is very elastic and does not tend to crack by itself. But to prevent future cracks, the surface must be properly prepared before applying the material: cleaned well and all loose, deteriorated or defective parts removed. Meexe systems, due to their high flexibility and hardness, do not crack as long as they are applied by experienced professionals.

Wood is a porous and changeable material, so it doesn't respond adequately to the application of microcement. It is recommended to remove the floorboard or parquet before coating this floor with microcement.

One of the main advantages of microcement is that it can be applied over any pavement without the need to lift it, which makes the work much faster and cleaner. You just have to make sure that the base is leveled and clean.

Meexe Rock microcement is the most suitable solution due to its anti-slip result. This microcement is resistant to abrasion and temperature changes, a quality required for outdoor floors. The thickness of its thickness is perfect for outdoor coatings. For pools, Meexe Pool. And if a more artisanal look is sought, Meexe Kal is also a valid option.

Although the use of mesh is advised when applying microcement, especially on floors and walls with tiles, there are types of microcement that dispense with its use. In any case, it is important to consult a professional to determine the need for mesh in each work.

The preparation of the surface before applying microcement is a basic step in all renovations. The support must be clean, leveled and without humidity. By giving it a primer coat and placing a mesh when necessary, we will get a very durable result.

Yes, microcement is so versatile that it can be applied on any surface, including tiles. The support must be leveled and the joints covered before applying the material to get the best adhesion.

To ensure a finish of the highest quality, it is important to have professionals who apply the microcement at the right time. At Meexe, we suggest installing the decorative coating at the end of the reform and by specialized personnel.

Plaster and plasterboard provide absorbent surfaces, so they are ideal for applying microcement. You just have to make sure that the material has set before installing it.

The microcement application process is fast and can take from 4 to 5 days, depending on the surface and the specific conditions of the work.

Microcement, although porous, becomes extremely water-resistant with the use of a good varnish. This makes it a perfect material to apply in the bathroom, sink, shower tray or bathtub, and even the pool!

Yes, it's important to seal the microcement with a specific varnish to protect it. With this step we will achieve a non-slip, waterproof, and easy-to-clean surface. Sealing will also prevent the appearance of stains and will enhance the matt, satin or glossy finish we want to give to the microcement.

Yes, microcement adapts to any surface, including stairs. On these supports, higher wear may occur in some areas, something easily treatable with our preparation products. In fact, the high resistance to abrasion and transit of Meexe microcements make stairs an ideal decorative element to coat.

Of course, microcement is versatile and can be applied both indoors and outdoors. In our catalog, you will find the most suitable type of microcement for each outdoor application. Due to its resistance to environmental conditions and use, it is an ideal material for any space, from terraces to pools.


The process of cleaning microcement is very simple: you only need water and soap with a neutral pH. But if you need a deeper cleaning, Meexe Cleaner and Meexe Cleaner Plus will be the best allies to keep the material in perfect condition. To avoid damaging the surfaces, it is crucial to avoid the use of abrasive products or detergents in general.

The mineral pigments that make up the microcement preserve its color despite being exposed to UV light. It is very important in these cases to renew the varnish layer so that the color does not attenuate at all.

Microcement is an easy maintenance material, and as long as it takes care of it properly, it will retain its properties. A simple but very helpful step in preserving the surface is the periodic application of a coat of diluted wax, which will keep the seal in optimal condition.

Although microcement is a very solid material, we should not forget to take care of it as we would with any other type of floor. The fall of objects or the spillage of certain products can damage the surface.

Due to its hardness, microcement is recommended for spaces with a high flow of people. If we want additional protection, by applying our waxes Meexe Wax or Meexe Wax Plus every six months we will achieve excellent resistance in places with a lot of wear.